Through utilizing proper
restaurant marketing tools, one’s restaurant business can expand exponentially. For instance, today we will be sharing 3
restaurant marketing tools that allow you to earn revenue from a bad review.
GoDine has shared that roughly 62 percent of diners claim that reviews are amongst the top aspects that are considered when individuals chose a restaurant. Hence, bad reviews can be detrimental to a restaurant’s revenue. Reviews, however, also hold so much information for your restaurant to use to improve and excel, making it the most profitable restaurant marketing tool. Below are three major tips to use reviews to your restaurant’s benefit.
Make Things Right ASAP
Although out of the several other things on your plate, replying to an unhappy customer may not seem like a priority, it definitely should be. Consultancy, Glance, claims that 70% of dissatisfied customers whose issues are resolved are more willing to shop with this business again. Utilize the following steps to help keep these customers.
1. Dedicate 10 minutes a day to checking reviews.
2. Reply to all bad reviews to demonstrate that you truly care.
3. Remain professional regardless of the approach taken by an angry customer. If a customer’s complaint is valid and service-oriented, apologize for your mistakes and perhaps demonstrate the significance by offering them a voucher for a free side or drink.
Use the Negative Review to Draw in a Different Customer
What may be a bad review for one individual, may be a selling point for another individual. For instance, while an individual may claim that your restaurant’s music was too loud, you can advertise it as being a lively atmosphere for your guests. In addition, an individual may find your food to be too ordinary. This can be used as a chance to attract another customer. While this individual may have found your food to be too simple, another individual may find it to be wholesome, and homely which can definitely be something others are looking for. Therefore, everything comes down to your advertising and in what light you would like to represent your restaurant in. Not every restaurant environment will suit every customer; however, there is a customer for every type of restaurant environment. Therefore, through maintaining a truthful front, you can attract new customers.
Use Bad Reviews as Constructive Criticism
Although your first response may be to take the review personally, you should allow a bad review to be an opportunity to improve instead of to get hurt. Bad reviews can help you pinpoint persistent issues so that you can correct the flaws in your business. Remaining open-minded to the back-handed recommendations customers may be making can allow you to explore new techniques to improve. Review grant you insight into what your customers are experiencing, knowing which staff to replace, and how to create a better overall experience.
About Branding Los Angeles
Branding Los Angeles is a digital marketing company located at the heart of Los Angeles. Our team here carries the expertise necessary to create effective
restaurant marketing tools that will allow your restaurant to flourish. To stay up to date on the restaurant services we have to offer, follow us on
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